Iteknia was rewarded with the recognition “COMPANY COMMITTED TO EDUCATION OF ITS WORKERS 2011” signed by the Director General of INEA and President of the National Council of Education for Life and Work, Mr. Juan De Dios Castro Muñoz, for the creation of courses, formal education at work and the achievement of 10 members of the company who completed their secondary and high school.
The award was presented at the Club de Industriales de Jalisco, accompanied by the following distinguished personalities of the Education Sector:
Mtra. Plazola Angelica Perez, Director of the State Institute for Adult Education in Jalisco
Lic. Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Fragoso, Director of Delegations of INEA
MSc. Victor Manuel Rodriguez Alvarez, General Coordinator of the Ministry of Education Jalisco
Mtra. Idolina Cosio Gaona, Regidora President of the Education Commission of the Municipal Government of Guadalajara
Mtra. Agueda Gomez Morin Fuentes, Coordinator of Advisors of the Ministry of Education Jalisco
Julio Garcia Briseño, President of the Board of Educational Development in the State of Jalisco