Given the situation presented worldwide by COVID-19, at Iteknia we have faced the fact that most of the projects we have in process have been stopped.
We know that this health and economic contingency will not be resolved in the mid term, however the team of more than 100 collaborators that make up Iteknia have decided to fight together as far as our strength allows, so we have drawn up a plan and taken the following actions in time:
- At the first notices, measures were taken in the factory, such as hand washing before entering, temperature measurement and sanitation crew for facilities and equipment.
- To the notice os suspension of classes in schools, work hours adjustments were offered to mothers of families who were affected by that measure at the time.
- We joined to Jalisco government recommendations, closing our company for a week (March 14th-22nd).
- We apply a special care plan to collaborators with vulnerable characteristics identified by WHO.
- We comply with the indications of closing of companies issued by the federal government from April 2nd to 30th.
- We rescheduled payments to our suppliers and lessors to meet this commitments.
- We jointly agreed with the collaborators on the payment of salary bonus to guarantee the maximum time of payments.
- We made the determination with the Executive’s request to defer taxes and Infonavit payments for the benefit of employees.
- The contingency Super- Brigade formed by collaborators who carry out strategic functions of the company, starts the follow- up and support to colleagues at home by making weekly phone calls to everyone in order to know their health status.
- Communication on the Company’s social networks with its collaborators are intensified.
- We expanded and applied credit lines of our banks for the benefit of all.
- A support program with food supply for collaborators is designed.
- The distribution of the savings fund to collaborators is scheduled.
- We create an advisory and negotiation plan with lessors in case our collaborators require it if they are affected by a possible decrease in family income.
- We created the work re- activation plan, where everyone at Iteknia is prepared to accept any opportunity for teamwork that allows us to obtain resources to provide for our families.
Thanks to Iteknia customers, suppliers, lessors and collaborators. We know that this path is not easy.